So I want to talk about isolation in abusive relationships so we can take away five points about isolation and the role it plays in abuse.
It is important to recognise that after the relationship has ended there are ways in which the abuse may continue. For many, it is not that they are stuck in the past or can’t move on from the abuse, it is that the abuse is still happening in the present, it’s just taken on a different look.
Nobody's perfect,
we all have our flaws. Yeah but do we all bash our Wives with our words behind closed doors? In an abusive relationship, abusive behaviour is used in the car to create fear and anxiety… and to gain power and control.
Cognitive behavioural therapy aims to change negative thought processes and beliefs that lead to problematic behaviour.
When you ask me how I am, I'll tell you I'm ok, but if I were to tell you more, I'd say...
I’m independent, feeling free. I met someone who’s incredible. He’s older, he’s smart, and he treats me like a lady. He tells me that I’m beautiful, wise; he loves my outlook on life. I know I don’t have to think it but, hypothetically, if he hit me, I would leave him.